答:不幸的是, no, we cannot hold a property until a lease is signed by all parties and the rental deposit has been paid to PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站.
A: PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站’s standard move-in costs are the first month’s rent is due upon lease signing. 我们也提供保证金更换计划. 有了这个选项, you will pay a monthly non-refundable fee for the duration of your tenancy instead of the traditional upfront deposit. 还有你每月的房租, you will be billed $39 per month for our 居民福利包 which includes many resident benefits to make your renting experience better, 限制你的责任, 顺利过渡到你的新租赁房屋. 有关住院医师计划的详情,请浏览以下连结:
A: Yes, the security deposit is refundable depending on the condition of the property. 租约终止后的21天内, 我们的物业十大赌博信誉网站团队会提供一份搬迁检查报告, 记录损失, 如果有任何, 被认为是超出正常磨损的充电. 如果你在搬进来的时候给我们一笔保证金, those deductions will be subtracted from the security deposit and the balance will be refunded to you. 如果您选择使用保证金置换计划, the charges for those deductions will be charged to you per the terms of that program.
A: To help ensure ALL of our residents understand our pet and animal-related policies, 我们要求每个人都完成第三方的筛选和审查过程, 包括没有宠物的申请人. This process ensures we have formalized pet and animal-related policy acknowledgments and accurate pet/animal records. 宠物筛查对每只宠物收费25美元. 这是租金申请费之外的另一项费用. There is no charge for the profile created for an assistance animal accommodation request and no charge for the profile created for residents without a pet/animal. 一个链接将通过电子邮件发送给您,以完成宠物/动物申请
只有宠物主人才需要支付个人资料更新费用. 援助动物和非宠物档案更新免费.
经核实的援助动物不收费. 每个宠物的月租费在50美元到100美元之间.
只有选定的属性允许宠物. 不允许携带以下犬种:比特犬, 阿拉斯加雪橇犬, 罗纳维尔犬, 秋田犬, 周润发, 美国斯塔福德梗, 和美国斗牛犬. 杜宾犬, 拳击手, 德国牧羊犬, 大丹犬, 西伯利亚雪橇犬, 只狼的混血儿, 声部进入记号Canario, 以及任何在其血统中有上述品种的狗. 如果狗有暴力行为的历史,它是不允许进入财产的.
Assistance animals which include service animals and support animals are not considered 宠物 and are not subject to any fees. 我们需要通过一个完整的和批准的筛选 Petscreening.com. PetScreening will request the necessary documentation to verify the assistance animal.
答:这是我们住院医师福利计划的一部分, you will receive automatic protection at move-in with 居民 Liability Insurance. This keeps you in compliance with your lease insurance requirements and provides peace of mind that you are covered at move-in. Although we recommend you keep the automatic protection in place during your lease, 居民提供至少100美元的租房保险证明,000 in personal liability and listing PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站 as Additionally Insured, and keeping their renters insurance active and current throughout the course of their lease, 可否选择退出入住时提供的自动保险.
A:根据我们租赁协议的条款, it is a resident's responsibility to transfer and pay for all utilities available to the property (Gas & 电、水、垃圾、电视、电话等.),除非物业十大赌博信誉网站公司另有书面同意. 作为我们住院医师福利的一部分, 我们将在具有挑战性的建立公用事业的过程中提供帮助, 把它们转到你的名下, 建立联系. 一旦你的租金被批准,你的租约就签了, 我们的礼宾服务团队将与您联系. They will get you the best rates and take you through the entire utility setup process.
A:申请我们的一处房产, navigate to the 租赁 page and select which long-term property you would like to apply for. 然后单击“立即申请”在线申请.
A:房租是到期的,必须每月交, 每个月的第一天, 在我们的在线居民门户网站, 直接存入PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站公司的经纪人信托账户.
A:如果你租赁的房子是宠物友好型的, 可以考虑在租赁期间增加一只宠物, 根据我们的宠物标准政策. 所有宠物都要接受“宠物筛查”,每只宠物收费20美元. 限制如下:最多可养两只宠物(部分hoa只允许养一只宠物), 可接受的大小和品种, 还有一份住户签过字的租约附则. 以下品种的狗可能会导致排斥:秋田犬, 美国斗牛犬, 牛头獒, 獒, 周润发, 杜宾犬, 德国牧羊犬, 沙哑的, 声部进入记号Canario, 斗牛, 西伯利亚雪橇犬, 美国斯塔福德梗, 狼的狗, 斗牛梗, 比特斗牛梗, 罗特韦尔犬, 以及它们的任何混合或组合.
问:我的租期快到期了,我想再延长一个租期. 我该怎么办??
A:请尽快书面通知我们的工作人员. 有时,作为延长租期的一部分,租金可能会略有增加. Provided you are in good standing with your rent payments and otherwise not in breach of your lease agreement, extensions are in most cases considered and may be approved at the discretion of the landlord. One of our 物业经理 will also want to meet you for a property walk through before agreeing to an extension.
问:我的租约快到期了,我打算搬出去. 我该怎么办??
A:请尽快书面通知我们的工作人员, 至少在租期结束前4天. One of our 物业经理 will then contact you to arrange a pre-move out inspection (typically scheduled for two weeks before the move-out date). It is at this pre-move inspection that we will provide recommendations to you for cleaning and repairs so you can get as much of your security deposit back as possible following your move. 我们还将对该物业安排一次全面的搬迁检查, 在你搬离并腾空房产之后, to record the condition of the property and any items which warrant a charge to the security deposit.
问:我想搬出去,但我的室友想留下来. 我该怎么办??
A: Notify one of our staff members about your desired move-out date, in writing, as soon as possible. 然后,我们的工作人员可以就您的剩余义务提供建议, 根据你的租约条款,这是最好的选择, 您期望的搬家日期, 在和室友谈过之后.
问:谁负责支付修理费 & 维护请求?
A: The responsibility for paying for repairs and maintenance depends on the repair itself and the cause of the need for maintenance. Normal wear and tear as well as regular maintenance items are typically the responsibility of the landlord. 由住客引起的一切修理或更换须由住客负责, 宠物, 和客人超过正常的磨损. 居民 are also charged for damage to the property because of failure to report a problem in a timely manner and for repair of drain blockages or stoppages unless caused by defective plumbing.
A: There are several factors which determine eligibility for a lease renewal and in some cases, PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站公司可以选择不续签居民的租约:
- Any lease renewal is contingent upon the resident accepting a rent increase when, 在PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站公司的判决中, 根据目前的市场比较,有必要增加.
- A lease may not be renewed if the resident has not shown a standard of care to the property during the lease period and the property has experienced significant pet damage or other damages beyond normal wear and tear.
- PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站 provides that our residents residing within premises under 我们的十大赌博信誉网站 shall have the right to quiet enjoyment of the property and expects all residents within the premises to be respectful to one another and to Landlord. PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站 will not renew the lease agreement of any resident who has engaged in disruptive behavior which is considered by PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站, 在我们看来, 对公司造成滋扰或有下列行为者, 代理, 物业经理, 供应商, 或与该公司或财产有关的任何其他人:
- 起诉或威胁起诉北伯爵物业集团或房东
- 演示了粗鲁的, 讨厌的, 好战的, 充满敌意的, 或者威胁的行为和语言, 包括语音信箱, 电子邮件或短信.
- 表现出对物业的持续不满, 我们的十大赌博信誉网站, 或者提供的服务水平
- Demonstrates non-compliance with HOA rules/regulations or by committing lease violations